Extract of "Agent Carter"
November 10 2019 Quarter 2 Week 3 "Agent Carter" directed by Lous D'Esposito demonstrates many different types of camera shots, different types of editing, sound effects, and mise-en-scene just through the short video I watched. Viewing this and writing about it helps me better understand the different parts of film because i got to see real examples of the film aspects we have been studying. Starting off with different types of camera shots and angles, the film clip we watched started with some close up shots of Peggy and Steve. It then switches to an establishing shot showing New York. This sets the scene and shows that time has passed and it is a different time period than what we had just seen. An over the shoulder shot is also used when Peggy is working at her desk and talking to two men. Furthermore, different close up shots are used when Peggy is fighting the two men. It quickly cuts to many shots of her attacking the men at different angles. This gives a qu...